£5 – For equipment to take blood from a patient with pulmonary fibrosis/IPF for research.
£10 – For a specialised test to look at novel biomarkers in the blood of IPF patients.
£20 – For staining 4 slides of lung tissue from IPF patients to study novel molecules and link these with molecular imaging scans.
£30 – For growing individual fibroblasts (cells that produce the scarring) in the lab from the lungs of patients with IPF.
£40 – For an hour of a clinical fellow.
£50 – For analysis of a novel molecular imaging (PET) scan in an IPF patient.
£100 – For a spirometer to use at home to track patients without needing them to come into hospital – our remote monitoring project.
£500 – For isolating the platelets from patients with IPF so that we can examine them in the laboratory and compare them to platelets from people with normal lungs.
£5000 – For equipment and running costs for a ‘Western Bot’ which allows us to look at abnormal proteins in the lungs of IPF patients.
£50,000 – For pump priming a blue sky research proposal: Allows a senior clinician to undertake a substantial period of research (a year or more) as a named research fellow to develop an hypothesis that is then submitted for full funding (£300K+) from a medical research charity.
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