#Breathtember … Let’s Make a Difference Together!

Thank you to all of our supporters who got together to Get Out Of Breath for #Breathtember last month to help raise awareness of pulmonary fibrosis during September’s global PF awareness month.

colt-team-marseille-to-barcelona-2016liz-wiacek_swim-serpentine_25-9-16From cycling across the Pyrenees to a push-up challenge, from swimming the Serpentine to a sponsored trampoline jump session.  You all did your best to spread the word about pulmonary fibrosis.

And why did we do this … here’s why:

  • Men are nearly twice as likely as women to suffer from IPF.
  • There are 5000 new cases of IPF every year in the UK.
  • 50% of IPF sufferers die within 3 years of diagnosis.
  • More than 30,000 people will be diagnosed with IPF in the 27 EU countries each year. 
  • IPF is more common than all leukaemias conbined. 
  • Most patients are diagnosed 1-12 years after their first symptoms. 
  • 5 million people worldwide have IPF. 

We need more funding to change these statistics.

Thank you for your help during #Breathtember … let’s make a difference together!

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